2018 was a great year for music but we did our fair share of albums that weren't that good, bad, horrendous, disappointing, and whatever another word you can find in the dictionary. Whether it was the album was the length of a blockbuster movie, another generic SoundCloud rapper, or the mighty has fallen of someone who was on the top world years ago and has completely fallen off. If you do like or love the albums, hey more power to you but this is just my opinion, here are my top ten worst albums of 2018!
10. Nothin' 2 Prove by Lil Yachty
Man, it's hard to defend and be Lil Yachty apologist right now. "Lil Boat 2" seem liked Yachty was headed in the right direction after the dumpster fire of his debut album "Teenage Emotions" and my hopes were high for this album but alas here we are, another disaster. I'm more disappointed cause he seems like Yacthy doesn't care anymore and his lack of effort from his bars, charisma, and production weighs the whole album down. The only thing makes the album enjoyable is the features, which in the past have always outshine him, I don't know where he goes from here and seems like he more interested in other side projects than his music but right now I think Yachty is done. *sad face*
9. Culture II by Migos
One thing is for sure we can all agree, if there was a thing that should be left in 2018 is long albums that are a length of a movie, which"Culture II" is a perfect example and the face for that reason. Migos had a great 2017 and were riding high on the momentum, I was happy for the trio since I have followed their careers since "Versace", sure the trio has their up and downs but 2018 to me wasn't a good year for them. Album feels underwritten and overstuffed, Migos ain't the type of artists to a make album worthy enough to be this long where the music can be very repetitive with the same lyrics and ad-libs are giving me a huge headache. I'm hoping they learn that "Less is more"
8. Quavo Huncho by Quavo
Well shit, Quavo didn't learn that less is more huh? well, shit. I do agree that Quavo is the "Beyonce" of the Migos but everyone knows right that Quavo is more of a hook and the ad-lib guy, he's not a good rapper at all. I'm not sure who even wanted a Quavo solo album cause I sure didn't, At least Takeoff solo album was at least passable, As me typing this and writing this list Offset solo is not out yet but at least his collab project with 21 Savage proved he can stand his own, Quavo couldn't. Yeah, this album was bad, Also second worst album cover of 2018, I can't believe he approved this.
7. The Sunset Tapes: A Cool Tape Story by Jaden Smith
Look Jaden still has time to grow and find his own sound as an artist and "SYRE" to me was an ok record but Jesus Christ this shit is super unoriginal and boring. The mixing is very DIY and muddy, which it is odd cause he does have the resources to get any mixer in the world with his income. The auto crooning/rapping was not a good idea for him to do, it sounds like he heard what Travis Scott and BROCKHAMPTON with those similar sounds and Jaden went "Hey if they can do it, then SO CAN I!!". There isn't much anything else I have to say let's move on.
6. Man of the Woods by Justin Timberlake
Fun Fact: I was reminded recently that Justin dropped an album this year and oh my god the nightmares have returned. This was supposed Justin "Country" album and he was gonna return to his Southern "roots and heritage mixed with modern pop". My curiosity peaked cause I have enjoyed Justin work and the idea of him switching up his sounded cool and a decent idea, he was working with the Neptune, Timberland and many other producers he was worked with before so what could go wrong? This was a disaster, lyrical it ranges from cringe to awkward, Too much Filler, and the genre-blending of "Country", Funk, and Pop leaves a bad taste in my mouth. A huge mess of an album.
5. Reckless by NAV
Boring. Sleepy. Robotic. Monotone. No Emotions. Questionable lines. Void. There are so many words I describe this album from the male version of Alexa/Siri but I don't wanna fall asleep and bore you. And no I don't hate this cause I'm sick of people saying I look like him (kind of).
4. Bawskee by Comethazine
The SoundCloud scene has given some really good artists in the past couple of years, and sure some do all sound the same and nothings unoriginal but man this dull. It's like you take that era of SoundCloud music (2016-2017) and made it shit. from the production to flows and that major no jumper/Adam22 co-sign and you get this album. A lot of the flows reminds of early Lil Pump and Carti, Production is youtube type beats you find and download for free or pay like five bucks for. The track about Demi Lovato is very uncomfortable and his lyrics are trying to be cool and edgy and it sounds super cringe. Yeah, this guy ain't gonna be around much longer and just be another flash in the pan.
3. Red Light by Bladee

2. Kyoto by Tyga
OOF, GOD DAMN THIS ALBUM COVER. (Is Tyga a furry? my TED TALK) anyways he decided to hop the whole island and dancehall wave in the mainstream and gave it a shot, I appreciate he wanted to do something different but it is so basic, lazy, nothing original, sounds like everything else you heard out there. I just hope the producers got paid well cause they wished they give to someone who can do a better job with these songs than Tyga.
1. Total Xanarchy by Lil Xan
Oh man, Oh man, what a year this guy had in 2018, Jesus. Total Xanarchy is my worst album of 2018. If I still did my podcast he would be my "Dweeb of the Year" for all the shit he did/say. Only thing redeemable about this entire album are the features, I feel bad they had to be on this album, hope you were paid well. Lil Xan's voice is the worst thing about this album where his voice/delivery reminds of old door/rocking chair creaking or one of those kids you went to high school with and not sure if he's high or stupid, maybe both. It's funny that he talks about how xans didn't make me who I am but yet you are named after a drug. This album you would it could be some dumb fun or decent background music but every time I listen to this album I become brain dead. Yup WORST ALBUM OF 2018.
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